< Encyclopedia: Lycaony | Back to Title of Contents | Encyclopedia: Vampire > History-Eating Half-Beast Keine Kamishirasawa ![]()
Ability: Power to consume history (when human)
              Power to create history (when animal) Threat level: Low Human friendship level: High Main place of activity: Human Village Rich in knowledge, the wisest of the therianthrope is Keine Kamishirasawa. Upon seeing the full moon, she will transform into a hakutaku (*1). A hakutaku is a youkai which appears to virtuous rulers at the beginning of their reign, warning them of future calamities and guiding them on the path of righteousness. She can erase history when human, and when she becomes a hakutaku, she can create history. Gensokyo's history is one created by her (*2). Regarding history, things do not become history merely by happening. Things do not become history unless someone records it as history. She can fabricate history that didn't happen, or conversely, erase from history incidents which actually did happen. History is reality, seen from a single point of view. It would not be too much to say the power of the hakutaku is used to create favorable histories for those virtuous rulers. She lives in the human village, where she runs a temple school and records history there every day (*3). Such is her profession. 1: Incidentally, it's an acquired characteristic. 2: The Hieda family's Gensokyo Chronicles is beyond her powers. Thus, it not her history, but ours. 3: She also has close relations with the Hieda family. The vast quantity of information the Hieda family has collected over a thousand years is useful for her lessons. Eyewitness Reports "The temple school lessons are difficult to understand, tedious, and really boring! Can't you do something?" (Leader's son) She is not good at entertaining others. "So why don't you come to the temple school, Akyuu?" (Florist's daughter) If I were the one teaching, it would certainly be more interesting. But a lesson is meaningless if it's merely interesting. "No, that's not what I meant. As a student!" (Florist's daughter) Well, I already know everything she teaches... Most of the lessons are a summary of my records, anyway... Countermeasures Although she's a little stubborn, since she has no ill will towards humans, there's no need to be afraid. However, if you forget your homework, a fearful punishment is waiting (*4). She is often seen, since she normally lives in the human village. At that time, you should greet her. It seems that she dislikes people who are discourteous. Also, she becomes a hakutaku on the night of the full moon. As she has a month of work on which to catch up at this time, she is often on edge. Therefore, refrain from visiting her on the night of the full moon (*5). 4: Such as a headbutt. 5: When she has grown horns, her headbutts are painful. < Encyclopedia: Lycaony | Back to Title of Contents | Encyclopedia: Vampire > |